Dear U3A members,
EDAN are considering organising workshops at the Art Block in the New Year, which will be open to non-members.
The first will be run by John Hall (see his fabulous wooden trunk in the ‘Stones and Bones’ exhibition currently showing) and will be ‘An introduction to working with wood’. It is anticipated that there will be two workshops initially, designed as a ‘taster’ and if there is sufficient interest more will follow.
The second will be run by Joy Hall in the early spring. This will be ‘An introduction to working with textiles’. It will include working with different materials – such as soluble materials, and an introduction to machine embroidery.
Cost to edan members is £5.00 per 2 hour session, and to non members £8.00 per 2 hour session. (Membership costs £25.00 a year and it is not necessary to be an ‘artist’ – we only ask that you have an interest!).
At present we are simply testing out levels of interested. If any members of U3A do have an interest in either of these workshops, please let me know by sending an email to This won’t commit you to anything – we’re just trying to assess levels of interest at the minute.
Meanwhile, I attach some information about the ‘Stones and Bones’ exhibition, showing at the Art Block until 14th January. do come and see it if you can. We have enjoyed working towards it so much!
Best wishes,
Jean Spence (for the Edan Committee)