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Northumbria Region’s BIG EVENT on July 24th 2012 at Walbottle Campus – celebrating 30 years of the U3A

The above event went very well indeed.   Seaham Harbour U3A’s presentation was very well received and praised to the hilt.  The theme was, somewhat naturally, our nearness to the sea including the sand, shells, lobsters, crab pots – you name it.  The sea was represented by lovely silky blue fabric which was extremely effective.  Sailors and pirates joined in too!

There were some excellent workshops, demonstrations and stands, including art, crafts, wine-tasting, birdwatching, natural history, bridge, choir, essential oils, line dancing and many many more.

It was obvious that a lot of work had gone into the all-round organisation of the day and grateful thanks are due to the stalwarts from Seaham Harbour U3A who put together our presentation (accompanied by some wonderful sea shanties) and all its accoutrements, and manned the station all morning.

An excellent time was had by all from Seaham Harbour U3A who attended.

Belated Jubilee Garden Party

A garden party was held in Dalton le Dale on Saturday 11 August 2012 by way of a belated Jubilee celebration.  All members attending brought some fantastic plates of goodies.  Tea and coffee were served by very smart “nippies” and volunteers provided the background music which was very much enjoyed by all.  The garden environment was superb and so was the weather.  Even the “queen” made a gracious appearance, amongst other less prestigious visitors – of whom I shall say no more!

Proceeds for the day were in aid of St Christopher’s Hospice in South London and over £500 was the total at the last count.  (exact amount to be verified)