Seaham  twinned with Gerlingen

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Seaham Harbour U3A (Universität des dritten Lebensalters) ist eine lokale Gruppe von Freiwilligen, die einer weltweiten Organisation angehört. Das dritte Lebensalter ist die Zeit im Leben, in der Vollzeitbeschäftigung aufgehört hat. Unserer Mittglieder sind entweder im Ruhestand oder Semi-Ruhestand. Ziel ist es, lebenslange Lernen und damit das körperliche und geistige Wohlbefinden zu fördern.


Wir existieren schon seit fünf Jahren. Von einer kleinen Gruppe von Gleichgesinnten wuchsen wir zu einer Mitgliedschaft von 130 Personen und einer Warteliste von 50 weiteren Personen. Auf Grund des großen Interesses Teil dieser Gruppe zu sein, wurde beschlossen eine zweite U3A in Seaham ins Leben zu rufen. Wir sind nun damit beschäftigt das in die Wege zu leiten.


Jeden 2. Donnerstag pro Monat wird eine Vollmitgliederversammlung abgehalten. Dies bietet die Möglichkeit Kontakte zu knüpfen, Vorträge zu hören und sich vor allem mit den 23 Interessengruppen, die das ganze Jahr über tätig sind, zu verbinden. Die durchschnittliche Anwesenheit an den monatlichen Treffen ist 85%.


Die Interessengruppen (siehe Liste im Anhang) sind ausschlagebend für den Erfolg der U3A. Die Bandbreite der Themen und Aktivitäten, die angeboten werden, werden von den Mitgliedern selbst beschlossen. Alle Gruppen finanzieren sich selbst und werden von Mitgliedern geführt. Es gibt keine Beschränkung hinsichtlich der Anzahl von Gruppen, denen eine Einzelperson beitreten kann.


Der Erfolg dieser Initiative und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität in Seaham kann an der großen Zahl der Interessenten gemessen werden, die Beitreten wollen und auch am Feedback das uns erreicht. (Siehe separates Blatt). Hinweise finden Sie auch auf unserer Website.


Wir würden eine Erweiterung unseres Horizontes durch die Verknüpfung mit unserer Partnerstadt von Gerlingen sehr Willkommen zu heißen. Die Zusammenarbeit und der Austausch von Ideen aus beiden Städten hat das Potenzial zu einer spannenden Unternehmung für Menschen in ihren dritten Lebensalter zu werden.

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Seaham Harbour U3A (University of the Third Age) is a local voluntary group which belongs to a world-wide organisation.  Third age is defined by that period in life in which full time employment has ceased. Our members are either retired or semi-retired. The aim is to encourage lifelong learning and in so doing promote physical and mental well-being.

We have been in existence for five years. It has grown from a small group of like-minded people coming together, to a membership of 130 and a waiting list of 50. Such is the interest in being part of this group that it has been decided that a second U3A is needed in Seaham. We are in the process of facilitating this.

There is a full membership meeting on the second Thursday of each month. This provides the opportunity to socialise, listen to a speaker and most importantly link into the 23 interest groups operating  throughout  the year. We average 85% attendance at the monthly meetings.

The interest groups (see attached list) are vital to the success of our U3A . The range of topics and activities on offer are decided by the members. All groups are self-funded , organised and led by members. There is no restriction on the number of groups any individual may join.

The success of this initiative and its impact on the quality of life in Seaham can be measured by  the large numbers of residents wanting to join as well as feedback – see separate sheet. Reference can also be made to our website.

We would welcome the opportunity to broaden our horizons by linking up with our twin town of Gerlingen.  Working together and sharing ideas from both towns has the potential for an exciting venture for those in their third age.

 Groups have their say


What kind of things do you do?


Play ten pin bowling once a month in teams of up to 6 people per lane.


Afternoon tea at Lumley Castle, River boat trip Durham, Ghost hunt Crook Hall Durham.

Lunch at Jamie Olivers York, Ladies Day Newcastle Races, Curry train Corbridge.


Walk and talk coffee sometimes.


Short strolls in the Seaham area. Coffee and socialising after the stroll. Much talking and banter.


Members take it turns to buy 4 different wins for tasting. Wine assessed for colour, smell, taste and appeal. Cost of wine shared amongst the group members present. A social evening of fun and chat.


We sing a variety of songs using CDs, tapes, guitar (played by a member), keyboard (again played by a member). We have our own song and enjoy singing for pleasure.


Visit gardens and occasionally have a speaker. Visit garden centres and have demonstrations. (Christmas wreaths)


Exercise – gentle.


Ballroom – Salsa and Cha Cha Cha


We have 2 meetings 1st and 3rd Mondays each month. 1st Monday we have an outing to take pictures and the third we review the pictures we took with constructive comments.


Learn French from CDs and books (Breakthrough French). Watch French DVD films.


Fabric Crafts- quilts, cushions, workbags, shopping bags, wall hangings, flower pounding, visits.


Cinema- this group is not functional at the moment, interested parties just contact one another.


Play 12 hands of whist as per whist card. Held in various houses but we have the option of hiring a hall if we had more players.


Meet once a month to discuss set book. Also outings to Literary Lunches and discussion about literary events, new books and authors.


Visit regional flower demonstrations. Durham Cathedral flower show. Chelsea flower show. Hampton Court flower show. Harrogate flower show.


Trivial Pursuit- have a laugh at the knowledge we think we have. It is very interesting we always finish a little wiser.


Poetry reading and discussion on a monthly theme. Trying to promote writing new poetry.


Individuals do their own local history research and feedback to the group. They also supply photocopies where they feel members wish to have them. We also go out on local visits with and without speakers. The group Leader also provides background information and generally keeps the “flow of ideas” on track. We have been studying Old Seaham – individuals, buildings, clothes/fabrics linked to Georgian England.


Visit Theatres and Community Halls.


Visit galleries, attend talks, go for coffee and lunch.


Meet for lunch 10 months (not August or December).

Have your say ….

What is good?


Friendly and fun. Well organised. Uplifting makes you feel good. Interesting – great presentations. Catalyst for forming new friendships. Life enhancing due to social events.

A good variety of groups. A way to meet people. It’s easy to find out what is going on in the groups. Clear  introduction at the start of the meeting. Good variety of interesting speakers.

Making friendships. Welcoming and good atmosphere. Hard working group leaders.

The friendship and company. Interesting speakers. Visiting places.

Friendly. Expanding interests. Excellent organisation. Receptive to suggestions.

Everything. Good friends new and old. Very educational. Always something good to do.

Well organised. Good variety of groups. Good variety of activities. Friendly.

Varied interests catered for with groups. Very friendly.

Meeting new people and old friends. Regular activities. Learning new things.

The fun, the unexpected and the “choss” young speakers. It gets you out and is comforting and welcoming.

Have your say 1 continued …

Brings local people together. Good variety of groups. Interesting talks. Good level of enthusiasm.

Meeting new people. Friendliness of groups.

Meeting new people. The unexpected. Fun.

Good range of interesting groups.. Friendly and fun atmosphere. No pressure to partake in activities. Chance to meet people and make friends. Morning meeting times. Good range of expertise among members.

Meetings are always enjoyable and sociable.

Well organised excellent social gathering. Groups cover lots of activities. Very friendly U3A. Good range of speakers.


Lots of choices – things to do. Meeting new people and making friends. Seeing U3A friends when out and about.

Good fun. Meet new people make friends. Develop new interests.

Meet new people. Learn about different places and new skills. Really friendly atmosphere. There is something for everyone.

Really friendly atmosphere. Good range of classes with excellent leaders. Opportunity to socialise and learn new skills.

Diversity of interests. Relaxed atmosphere. Not being excluded from other group activities.

Lovely regular meetings. Opportunity to meet lovely people. Excellent leadership – warmth, humour mixed with appropriate discipline! Excellent variety of groups.

Have your say 1 continued …

The camaraderie with lots of interest.

Monthly Meetings – variety, interesting topics and speakers. Meet different people. The “characters” in U3A. Variety of clubs and interest groups. Very friendly and welcoming.

Excellent committee and group leaders. Friendly fun atmosphere. Openness to new ideas. Variety of groups

Lots of choice of groups to join, very friendly.

Meeting new people. Interesting speakers. Friendliness. Excellent organisation. Humour.

Meeting old and new friends and sharing interests.

Companionship. Variety of activities. Group outings.


Pam Burke

Sarah Gurney

Jean Mullen

Jean Watson 

Sandra Wilkinson

Malcom Wilkinson