Garden Party 10th August
The 10th August see's us having our Garden Party, everyone has been asked to donate a bottle of wine for the day, but could you bring it to the meeting on the 11th July please?
The 10th August see's us having our Garden Party, everyone has been asked to donate a bottle of wine for the day, but could you bring it to the meeting on the 11th July please?
Month Venue 5.10.12 Joe's Pond Meet Visitor centre 2.11.12 Beamish 7.12.12 Whitburn/Shields Meet Cornthwaite Park 4.1.13 Shincliffe 1.2.13 Meeting 1.3.13 Hawthorn Dene Meet Noses Point 5.4.13 Castle Eden Meet The Lodge Durham Way SR8 3.5.13 Durham Riverside Meet Market Place, Londonderry Statue 7.6.13 Beacon Point Easington Pit Cage Meet [...]
Seaham Harbour U3A Travel Group met for the first time On Wednesday 24th April at 10.30am at a member’s house. This is a very enthusiastic group who need a leader. We discussed what we would like from the group and decided, mainly any kind of travel, as opposed to [...]
Leader : Beatrice WilsonThe group meet upstairs in the The Featherbed Rock Café at 2pm on the second Tuesday in the month. It’s a fitting rendezvous as the building has an interesting history.For a time it was the home of Mary Ann Cotton who is considered to be Britain’s [...]
Our Leader is Jackie Beadling We are an interesting and diverse group of people who meet once a month to discuss a set book and often to chat about current affairs. The group is helped along by glasses of wine or cups of coffee as we meet at the [...]
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – Friday 24 February 2012 This was the first outing of the Seaham Harbour U3A Cinema Group. A poignant film, focusing on that time of life that can be truly scary, getting old: in this case involving loss of a partner; financial and health [...]
The Laing Art Gallery was our venue for the outing on Thursday, March 15th. One exhibition centred on Sting's commissioned painting “Northern City Renaissance, Newcastle, England (2004-2008)” by leading contemporary American landscapist Stephen Hancock. The group found this impressive and very interesting. I would recommend this to anyone interested [...]
On 12 July 2012 Seaham Harbour U3A’s regular monthly meeting had a format change. The morning was devoted to mingling, drinking tea and coffee and eating cakes and viewing our members’ creative efforts. On this occasion, the Arts Appreciation Group didn’t have to go far to view some great [...]