The Wine Tasting group meet on the first Thursday of the month, at 8.00pm at Seaham Harbour Golf Club

The Leader of the group is Gordon Ayre

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting Group

This is wine tasting and not wine drinking, (that is for elsewhere).  The wine tasting group was set up to experience new wines and have a sociable and fun time.

Why a Wine Tasting Group

The thinking behind this group is that each member will take it in turn to lead the group and buy wine/s for tasting; the cost of wine consumed being shared amongst the group members. To limit costs no one bottle of  wine should cost more than £15.

There is a meeting fee of £1 charge for room hire.Wine tasting

All you need to bring along is a wine glass, a cloth to wipe out your glass between the wines to be tasted and yourself.

It’s Wine Tasting so no driving

Leave the car at home or share travelling to be on the safe side.