Seaham Harbour u3a is a vibrant and warm group of people: fun loving or sedate, we can be anything you want us to be and you may take from the group whatever you wish, in the way of participation. Of course, we would love it if you were able to give back too, even if it’s only volunteering your help with the tea and refreshments occasionally!
Our membership currently stands at over 100 people. If, and when we obtain bigger premises to hold our monthly meetings, we hope to be in a position to extend membership. Our monthly meetings are well attended and very much enjoyed by all. A very few only attend the monthly meetings as members and are quite happy with just that.
Our list of interest groups is growing and you may have ideas of your own for a new one. We would be happy to hear your views.
As a guest, you are welcome to attend two of our monthly meetings at the Masonic Hall in Seaham, and participate in two visits to an interest group meeting or outing. If you would like more information about Seaham Harbour U3A, please click here to see reports of our activities over the two years since we began.
We extend a warm welcome to all newcomers!
See the latest articles on what our members get up to
If you’re interested in joining us read our membership guidelines below and complete the contact form.
Membership Guidelines
Seaham Harbour U3A Membership Guidelines.
1. Full membership [£16 per annum payable in April] of Seaham Harbour U3A entitles members to:
- attend each monthly meeting throughout the year and/or
- join as many interest groups as the member chooses.
For anyone joining in September, October, November or December the fee will be £12 whilst £8 will be payable if membership is taken out in January, February or March.
2. Visitors, i.e. non-members, can participate in two monthly meetings and interest groups (any nominal charge set by a group would have to be paid) on two occasions before deciding to take up membership of Seaham Harbour U3A.
3. Should members of other U3A’s wish to attend Seaham Harbour U3A monthly and/or interest groups they will need to be paid up members of Seaham Harbour U3A minus the capitation element (£13) thus becoming affiliated members.
4. Affiliated members will need to provide a membership card or receipt on an annual basis from their home/main U3A as only fully paid up members are covered by the U3A liability insurance.
5. It is the responsibility of the interest group leader or their nominee to ensure the guidelines are followed and that non members do not attend meetings more than twice before becoming full or affiliated Seaham Harbour U3A members.
6. An annual review of the guidelines will be carried out by the Steering Committee to protect the interests of Seaham U3A members.
These guidelines have been drawn up with reference to U3A National Guidance – Capitation Fees and Multiple U3A Memberships. January 2010.
Complete this form if you are interested in joining us and we will contact you