This past year has been a pretty successful one for Seaham Harbour U3A. That success is due, not only to the members who attend, but also to the many people who give up their time, in whatever capacity. We have had a varied and interesting group of speakers/entertainers during the year. Our thanks must go to Jean Mayhew who so successfully organises this every year. It must be one of the most difficult tasks in any organisation.
I would also like to thank the members of the Steering group. They meet every month but much of their work is unseen until you attend a meeting or any of the interest groups. Thanks particularly to Fred Finch for chairing the meetings, Gordon Ayre, for keeping a scrupulous record of accounts and Evelyn Cole for so accurately recording the minutes. Also to Jean Bradley who so meticulously keeps our membership records, George Fairweather who continues to update our website (assisted by George Meek) and Kathleen Crabb who helps us with the Constitution. I’m sure many members have no idea what goes on at these meetings but there is an open invitation for any member to attend if they wish to – just contact a committee member.
Our U3A is very lucky to have such a wide choice of interest groups and I would like to thank you all for supporting those which you enjoy. Let us not forget however, the work that goes into organising the groups by the leaders. It is this which makes our U3A so successful.
On behalf of you all I would also like to thank those who lead the monthly meetings. Perhaps we have become the victims of our own success because we have been entertained and informed so ably up to now. However, it is not just the role of the steering group members to do this and I would urge anyone who is interested to give it a go. Help and advice is available and you do not need to be able to tell jokes!!
Any organisation whose members become complacent and lets others do all the work will ultimately fail. We don’t want that to happen to our U3A and I’m certain you won’t let it happen. If you have any suggestions for meetings, wish to volunteer with the raffle or helping make the refreshments, try leading a monthly meeting or starting a new interest group, please speak to one of the steering group. We have a great group of members and now we need to build on the success of our first few years. May we continue to “Live, Laugh and Learn” and strengthen our links/friendships with other U3A’s.
Best wishes
Malcolm Wilkinson (Chairman)