French Group

The French group meet every two weeks, on a Tuesday at 10.30am in a member’s house. There are currently 8 members in the group who enjoy coffee and cake whilst talking about current news and other topics in a relaxed environment. Our learning tools are a book and CDs [...]

2017-03-10T13:47:23+01:00March 10th, 2017|Basic French|

Introduction to French Group

  The French group meet every other Tuesday at a member’s house at We are a small group of 8 very personable ladies. We are now approximately halfway through Breakthrough French Book 2, it is more challenging than Book 1 but we persevere, with coffee, biscuits, and lots [...]

2015-02-19T13:11:33+01:00February 19th, 2015|Basic French|

Introduction to the Basic French group

Our group Leader is Carole Fairweather The French group have almost reached double figures, and we are progressing slowly but surely, not quite fluent yet but we have a very good French Teacher who is helping us with our grammar and pronunciation. We are now on the last unit [...]

2015-02-19T13:15:30+01:00April 23rd, 2013|Basic French|
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