iPad Update May 2021

The iPad group will be starting  up again (albeit in the garden) on Tuesday 1st June from 1.30 pm We will probably  do lots of coffee, chatting and catch up rather than technology for the first meeting  but we will try to solve any problems you may be having [...]

2024-03-10T22:06:47+01:00May 13th, 2021|iPad|

iPad Group August 2021

Change of Venue for the iPad Group August 2021 We will be meeting in the ROOBARB AND CUSTARD cafe on Tuesday 3rd September at 1.30 pm. Future meetings will continue to be on the first Tuesday of the month in the cafe. New members will be most welcome from absolute beginners [...]

2024-03-10T22:07:29+01:00August 30th, 2019|iPad|

New IPad/ Tablet for Christmas need some help?

I would like to invite all interested members to the first iPad group meeting of 2018 on Tuesday 2nd January at 1.30p.m. In the Crows Nest pub on East Shore Village. Maybe some people will be receiving a new iPad/tablet from Santa Claus and will need some advice and [...]

2017-12-22T23:36:36+01:00December 22nd, 2017|iPad|

iPad Group February 2017 Meeting

Just got back from a hectic iPad group session. We have 6 new people who have begun to grapple with their tablets. For the experienced members who could not attend today I have found a new app to play with called Pic Collage. It's great for creating posters / [...]

2024-03-10T22:10:22+01:00February 8th, 2017|iPad|

iPad Update

The group is developing well with a core of around 10 members. Others are attending when commitments allow and we have over 20 interested people on the “register”. Everyone is welcome with or without an iPad/tablet of their own. So come along and have a go to see if it’s for [...]

2016-11-30T11:27:02+01:00November 30th, 2016|iPad|

iPad First Meeting

We have had our first iPad group meeting which was well attended by 24 members. People said they had enjoyed it and everyone learned something they wanted to know. It was a very busy, noisy session and homework set was to master a new game! We are looking forward [...]

2016-06-08T12:29:37+01:00June 8th, 2016|iPad|
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