Visit to Oriental Museum, Durham
Thursday, 20th September,2012
By 11 o’clock, 29 of us had arrived at the Oriental Museum, Durham. While finishing our coffee in the foyer, Dr. Craig Barclay gave us a brief resume about the founding of the museum. We then moved off to the Marvels of China Gallery, the Malcolm McDonald Gallery and finally the Thacker Gallery which houses Egyptian treasures. As Dr. Barclay led us through the galleries he pointed out various articles of particular significance, interest or beauty and gave us fascinating insights into the stories behind the main collectors and their collections. We then had free time to explore the galleries ourselves and, having thoroughly enjoyed our visit, many of us decided to revisit at a future date. A great place for a rainy day which, as Dr. Barclay pointed out, is often overlooked because of its position tucked away amidst university colleges.