Seaham Harbour u3a – Chairman’s Report 2023

I cannot believe another year has almost gone for our u3a and here we are facing another AGM. It seems no time since the last one. However, as the old saying goes, “the older you get the quicker time passes.” In my case it is certainly true.

I think we have had a good year overall with some very successful monthly meetings, thanks to Mabel for finding a variety of speakers to entertain us. It is not an easy job.

The interest groups that we have continue to meet and thanks must go to the group leaders. However, there is always a place for more groups. If anyone has any suggestions for new groups, please let me know or any of the Trustees who make up the committee. Even better if you are interested in leading a new group. The group activities are part of the lifeblood of u3a. The more groups we have the more we can offer to members and make it worthwhile attending.

This year we sadly lost 2 members who worked hard for SH u3a. Sarah Gurney who was a Trustee and ran the Gardening Group. Also, Enid Willis who ran the Theatre Group for many years. Margaret Ridley and Doreen Cole, also passed away. We remember them all and think of their families.

On your behalf I would like to thank 2 of the Trustees, Marian Atkinson, and Mike Bacon. They are respectively Secretary and Treasurer. Without their hard work and dedication our u3a could not function. You also have a full committee of Trustees who meet every month and freely give up their time to work for your u3a. Some have to retire from the committee at the AGM so if you are interested in joining the committee speak to myself or Marian for further details. We meet on the last Friday of the month at 10am in Dalton le Dale hall.

This year we have also had some very successive outside activities. In particular there was our social evening at the Masonic Hall to celebrate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles 111. He even made a brief appearance!!!

Then there was our very successful weekend visit to Scotland. Thanks to Gordon for organising that. There were others too and we must not forget those who organise any visit apart from our usual monthly meetings. It takes a lot of time and effort from them for you to have a successful visit.

We have managed to recruit some new members this year but any organisation like the u3a constantly needs new ones to refresh it. If you know of anyone who might be interested bring them along to a monthly meeting so that they can see for themselves what goes on.

Do not forget that we will be celebrating the u3a nationally on Saturday, 23rd September as part of the u3a week. We will be looking for volunteers to help man our stall in Byron Place between 1oam and 3pm.

Thank you once again for your friendship and support as we look forward to another successful year.

Malcolm Wilkinson
