Jan Leach, Chairperson for Seaham & District U3A asked me to contact you with regards to our Litter Picking Group.  I understand from Sarah Gurney that some of your members might like to join in with us when we go out litter picking around Seaham.  Sarah joined us on our litter pick last month and she mentioned that other people might be interested in joining us.  We usually go out on the Last Monday of the month, we meet at 9.15am, we litter pick until 11.30am.  

I think this will be an ideal opportunity to network with our neighbourly U3A group.  Our next litter pick will be Monday 29th July, we will be meeting at the Dene House Road entrance to Rock House Dene.

If you could let me know if any of your members areĀ interestedĀ in joining us that would be great as I have to let Seaham Council know how many numbers, we are expecting so they can supply us with plenty of equipment.