Well it has been a busy week, two outings in one week !
Four members of our patchwork group visited Gainford village hall near Staindrop on 6th June 2015 for their biannual quilting show.
There were beautiful quilts and wall hangings displayed, the work of the local quilting fraternity.
We were impressed with some patchwork framed pictures that were simple but effective with a hint of humour to them. Things like socks on the washing line with only one pair matching. We all know that feeling.
The tombola was for patchwork bags of all types all made by the quilters and gave us excitement as three of us were lucky enough to win one.
Although a small exhibition of local talent it was worth the visit to get ideas and be with likeminded people who enjoy this hobby, making it a most enjoyable day.
The draw of fat quarters for sale and quilting accessories and books is so tempting and at times addictive.. Did we really need another square if material to put to our growing stash ? Of course we did !
Oonah Hackett