The Poetry Group delivered bouquet of flowers in both classical and modernist styles. We found that there was an abundance of flowery poetry in the days of the Grand Tour when gardening was both an art form and a science

Inevitably Daffodils reared their golden trumpets to the sky but could not overpower other delights portrayed bt The Woodspurge (No, I hadn’t, heard of it either-ed) The Scent of Buddleia, Sunflowers and A Tuft of Flowers amongst many other examples.

Many thanks to our members for bringing the following poets to the table to portray Life, The Universe and the short but explicit life cycle of the humble flower: Robert Herrick; AE Houseman; Lauren Spigot; William Wordsworth; William Shakespeare; Robert Frost; John Fuller; Lynne Munn and many thanks to John Hurt for reading Home Thoughts from abroad by Robert Browning via the magic of the internet and to Herbie Herb for suppressing our FEAR OF BOREDOM via Twitter.

Next month’s theme is Music and Song so why don’t you come along and join us on: Wed July 17th.

Robert Reynolds
