The group explored a broad chord of Music this month from a wide variety of viewpoints.
Twelth Night was the source of the famous sonnet “If music be the food of love…” by William Shakespeare before going all Biblical with The Dirge of King David. We were then transported to French Chamber Music with a selection of French poems translated by A.Poulin. A quick tour of Bowood House, well known to Charles and Camilla ensued before testing out Music by Abraham Cowley.
A Heaven Soaring Lark scaled the heights by Mary Eleanor Roberts and then transposed to a Vision of Launfal courtesy of James Russell interspersed by a Description of Spring (Henry Howarth). The serious stuff was then concluded by Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen.
I decided to take an alternative groove by reading some song lyrics from such esteemed wordsmiths as Godley and Crème, Be-Bop Deluxe and Pink Floyd taken from my old vinyl collection.
My Body the Car comes to a tragic end before losing my Pental in Art School Canteen, exploring Life in the Air Age and realising that Money is the root of all evil today.
Robert Reynolds